Green Gram

Green gram, also known as mung bean, is a small, olive green legume boasting a sweet flavor and soft texture. A staple in South Asian cuisine, it’s enjoyed whole or split in dals, curries, and even sprouted for a nutritious snack.

Green Gram


Additional information

Green gram, also known as mung bean, is a versatile little legume hailing from South Asia. This tiny bean boasts a vibrant olive green hue and a naturally sweet flavor. Enjoyed whole or split, green gram shines in dals, curries, and stir-fries. But its talents extend beyond cooked dishes! Sprouted green gram is a popular health food, offering a delightful crunch and a concentrated dose of nutrients. Packed with protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, green gram is a nutritional powerhouse that easily fits into any diet.

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