
Nicknamed for a flightless bird, kiwifruit boasts fuzzy brown skin and vibrant green flesh bursting with vitamin C. This sweet-tart treat, originally from China, is now a global favorite enjoyed fresh, juiced, or in yogurt.



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Kiwis, also known as Chinese gooseberries, are small fruits native to New Zealand. They have fuzzy brown skin and bright green flesh with tiny black seeds. Kiwis are a tart and sweet fruit packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. They are enjoyed fresh, juiced, or added to yogurt and smoothies. Although originally from China, most kiwifruit today are grown in New Zealand and other countries with similar climates. The fuzzy skin is edible but can be peeled off if preferred. Kiwis are a vine fruit and the vine can grow up to 30 feet long.

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