
Watermelons, from the Cucurbitaceae family, are originally from Africa and are grown in warm climates worldwide. They are 90% water, low in calories, and rich in vitamins A and C, and antioxidants like lycopene. Major producers include China, Turkey, and the United States, with India growing them in states like Karnataka and Maharashtra.



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Watermelons are a popular, refreshing fruit from the Cucurbitaceae family, originally from Africa. They are grown in warm climates around the world and are known for their large size, green rind, and sweet, juicy red or pink flesh, though some varieties have yellow or orange flesh. Watermelons are composed of about 90% water, making them excellent for hydration.

Nutritionally, watermelons are low in calories and rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants like lycopene, which contribute to heart health and may reduce the risk of certain cancers. Major watermelon-producing countries include China, Turkey, Iran, and the United States, while in India, they are widely cultivated in states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra. Watermelons are typically enjoyed fresh, in salads, or as juice.

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