Sweet Corn

A summer delight, sweet corn (maize or sugar corn) hails from Central America. Unlike its field corn cousin, sweet corn boasts a higher sugar content, making it a star at barbecues. Packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, these vibrant yellow kernels are enjoyed fresh on the cob, or canned, frozen, and even creamed for year-round enjoyment.

Sweet Corn


Additional information

A summer staple, sweet corn, also known as maize or sugar corn, boasts a rich history originating in Central America. Unlike its field corn cousin used for animal feed, sweet corn is a delightful treat thanks to its higher sugar content. Towering stalks with vibrant green leaves can reach up to 10 feet, cradling ears filled with rows of plump yellow kernels. These kernels are a nutritional powerhouse, bursting with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Sweet corn truly shines when enjoyed fresh on the cob, boiled or grilled to perfection. But the fun doesn’t stop there! It can be enjoyed canned or frozen year-round, or even creamed for a comforting side dish. Beyond its deliciousness, sweet corn is a significant agricultural player, ranking among the most widely grown crops globally, providing essential carbohydrates for many cultures . So next time you bite into a juicy kernel, remember you’re not just savoring a summer treat, but a taste of history and a global agricultural powerhouse.

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