
Ancient grain, barley is a top 4 cereal crop, known for its malting use in beer (over 90%!) and its fiber-rich nutrition.



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Barley, an ancient grain, ranks as the world’s 4th most cultivated cereal.This hardy grass thrives in cooler climates and even tolerates some drought.It comes in two main varieties: six-row barley with all fertile florets and two-row with just a central fertile floret.While used in some breads and soups, barley’s biggest claim to fame is malt production for beer.Over 90% of the world’s malt comes from barley.Barley is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals.It’s particularly good for magnesium, manganese, and copper.With a chewy texture and nutty flavor, cooked barley adds substance to salads, stews, and bowls.Hulled barley, with the bran layer intact, offers the most fiber.Though not great for gluten-free diets, barley can be a healthy and versatile grain for many.

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