
Clove trees yield aromatic flower buds used as cloves, a warm and pungent spice. Popular whole or ground, cloves add depth to Asian, African, and Middle Eastern dishes. Beyond flavor, cloves offer potential health benefits.



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Cloves, the aromatic flower buds of the clove tree, boast a long history as a prized spice. Native to Indonesia’s Maluku Islands, cloves have been used for centuries in food and traditional medicine. Their strong, pungent aroma and warm, slightly sweet flavor come from a compound called eugenol. Available whole or ground, cloves are common in Asian, African, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cuisine. They add depth and warmth to meats, curries, marinades, and even fruit dishes. Beyond culinary uses, cloves have been used for their potential health benefits, like supporting liver health and blood sugar regulation. So next time you seek a unique and flavorful spice with historical significance, consider cloves!

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